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When was the last time you looked closely at your business running costs?

virtual offices, virtual headquarters, bristol, leicester, nottingham, cardiff

It’s all about the bottom line when it comes to looking at your business running costs.

How to review your business running costs

  • Look at the figures each month
  • Review your client turnover – and the reasons why
  • Analyse any reduction in profits – and why
  • Look at your projections to see if you’re still on track
  • Keep an eye on the economy
  • Analyse any change in costs and turnover
  • Review supplier costs.

For any and every business its success is measured by just one word: profit. It’s that simple. Now if you are an astute businessperson, you’ll be looking at your business overheads on a regular basis. You’ll look to seize each and every opportunity you can to minimise costs. However, advances in modern technology and the way many of us generate business means that the ‘office world’ is changing. This is because the Internet is now a part of everyday life for virtually any and every business.

We know that, until recently, it’s almost been a form of ‘tradition’ that if you have a business, you have an office. Often it’s the case that the office is used occasionally for meetings, predominantly for storing files and paperwork, having a desk with your computer on it etc. The only reason you have an office is so that customers can see you are a legitimate business.

Operating on a virtual basis to reduce business running costs

Today, businesses can operate more and more on a ‘virtual’ basis. Providing the phone is answered, does it really matter whether that person is in your office, or at home? Will anybody know if they are speaking to you when you’re in your office or sitting at home? What matters most to people is good service and good products. How you actually set about delivering a service or product is actually of little consequence. It’s the way things are changing and in order to drastically reduce overheads and improve profits, more and more small businesses are turning to the virtual office.

Having started out offering virtual office space in Bristol, Virtual HQ has grown in popularity to the point where we now can offer our clients virtual offices in London, Cardiff, Leeds, Manchester and more.

We have been able to demonstrate the considerable advantages our first clients enjoyed here in Bristol and we have been able to expand our successful operation as a result. Because virtual office space may be a new concept to you, we fully understand any hesitation or reluctance you may have. However, what we would suggest is that if having an office in any of these four cities is what your business needs, then get in touch with us, voice your doubts and let us explain to you in much greater detail how there are often more advantages than you may have first anticipated when you decide to run your business from a virtual office.

Francesca's knowledge of the industry and business support is second to none. She's personally handpicked each one of our virtual office locations.

Francesca Dixon
Francesca Dixon

Managing Director

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